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Thanks for clicking on the link to join me here.

As promised, the only reason for this page, and this video, is to give you FREE access to my community. 

So let’s cut to the chase: just enter your email address above, and I’ll send you the information to get in the community immediately. 

It’s that simple!

I promise that I’m not going to be selling your email to anyone, putting you on any crazy marketing list, or anything like that. This is still just the best way I know of to ensure that we keep spammers and robots out of the community.

So… what are you waiting for? It talks like 20 seconds…

Maybe you’re wondering, “what’s this community all about? Why should I bother? What’s in it for me?”

All great questions. Because, I’m guessing, the last thing you need is “one more thing” on your plate? Right? If you’re like me, you probably have a wife, kids, a job, etc. You’re probably super busy…

But that craziness, that overwhelm, is, frankly, THE EXACT REASON behind why I started this community in the first place. Seriously.

Because what I found over the past few years is that I kept meeting guys like you and, almost every single conversation went something like this:

I’m doing fine, but…
I love my wife but…
My kids are great but…

And, most of us are bored or just plain burned out at work.

But underneath it all, something is missing. We feel like we’ve plateaued, and probably most importantly, we’re missing two big elements:
fulfillment and freedom.

And, this isn’t just you and me. There’s data to back up these feelings. You’ve probably seen it: men can’t make friends, we’re lonliner than ever, and we are ALL overwhelmed and burned out.

What will you find in the community?

Daily check ins
Podcast episodes & expert guests
Conversations around the pillars of fitness, fulfillment and freedom
Invitations to events that are transformational
And, MOST IMPORTANT… Connections with other guys just like you and I

But above all, you’re going to find a place where you’re not alone, where you can grow, and you can take those tangible steps.

So… what are you waiting for?